Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Rosary

My mother taught us the rosary.  She was a firm believer in the power of prayer.  Every July we made the novena to St. Anne (mother of Mary).  I've
always had a special place in my heart for Mary and always felt closer to
my own mother who died when I was 13.  I think somewhere along the line
they just merged together.  I feel closer to my earthly mother when I pray to
our heavenly mother.  If people only really knew the power of the rosary,
they'd say it every day.  There are so many graces and blessings that Mary
herself promised us at Fatima and Lourdes and many other apparition Knock in Ireland.
Two of my grandchildren are rather young but still I want them to know
about Our Lady.  They have been here for prayer and yes they fidgeted and
"acted" bored....but they were here.  While here, they experienced others praying the rosary. They saw for themselves that the people who
came opened their hearts in prayer and left their intentions with her.   Everyone who was here commented on the peace they felt while praying. That is one of her blessings for us.  We can come in all worried but leave
with a peaceful feeling knowing that she understands our worries and burdens and that she
petitions her Son on our behalf.

1 comment:

  1. I have a deep devotion to Mother Mary. My mother taught me the rosary when I was young and to this very day, I carry one wherever I go.

    (this may be a bit modern for the Irish Granny... but my next tattoo is going to be of the Blessed Mother Mary)

    Great post!
