Sunday, September 4, 2011


I haven't posted in awhile because I had out-of-town company. I get quite a lot of company (the staying- over kind) because it is partly who I am.  The Irish are famous for their hospitality.  When I was a kid growing up, there were always people staying at our house.  During the war years, soldiers who were friends of friends were given our number so they'd have a place to stay.  People who were "down on their luck" also had a meal and lodging.  It always seemed so natural to me.  When I first went to Ireland as a young woman of 21, I understood where all this came from.  It is a part of the culture.  No matter how poor or how little there is in the house, the guest is always served tea and something else...whether it is a sandwich or baked goods but always something.  More on this in my next blog.

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