Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Irish Granny makes Top Ten List in Irish American News--so exciting!

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful!! Congratulations!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It was really nice to get your kind message. I am just sorry that all my stories, videos, & posts were not there for you to read. I have been revamping my blog this year after writing it for almost 7 years. I may put bits and pieces of it back up after I decide where I am going with it now that my dream of buying a cottage and restoring it didn't happen....not that it won't one day:)

    As for your question, I have tons of blogs that I love and most of them are on my sidebar. Check them out :) Grannymar is a really good Irish blog. Diary of a Country Wife and Irish Fireside are also very good.

    My very best wishes to you on your lovely blog. Contact me anytime :)
    Kimme@Irish Cottage Dreams
